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3 Top Level Organic Fertilizers (and why you should be using them)

This entire line of products is a product I can stand by time-and-time again! Espoma is one of the top leading organic fertilizer manufacturers and for good reason.

Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus is an organic plant food containing beneficial microbes like bacteria and fungi, as well as bio-active organics, aimed at promoting rapid root growth and reducing transplant shock. It's ideal for a broad range of plants and is particularly effective for new plantings! The product's formula includes mycorrhizal fungi for improved water and nutrient uptake, and a mix of natural ingredients like feather meal and bone meal to nourish the soil. This blend not only encourages robust root development but also helps plants cope with environmental stress, making Bio-Tone Starter Plus a go-to choice for gardeners seeking to foster strong, healthy plant growth.

Believe it or not, this sticky treat can be used in the garden and landscape to build soil ecology!

However, its important that you understand which molasses to use, and why!

Regular molasses and unsulphured molasses differ primarily in the processing stage and their suitability for gardening.

Regular molasses, or sulphured molasses, is made from young sugar cane and treated with sulfur dioxide during extraction. This process acts to preserve and as an antimicrobial agent. The sulfur can be beneficial in the garden for plants that need it, but it can also be harmful to some beneficial microbes in the soil. For this reason, it is best to use unsulphured molasses which is a purer form of molasses having forgone the treatment with sulfur dioxide.

Unsulphured molasses, on the other hand, is made from mature sugar cane that doesn't require sulfur as a preservative. It's generally considered better for the garden because it doesn't contain sulfur dioxide, which could potentially harm the beneficial microbes that are essential for a healthy soil ecosystem. Unsulphured molasses is often used in organic gardening practices to feed and increase the population of these microbes, thus enhancing soil fertility and plant health.

So now that we know which molasses to use (use the unsulphured kind), what does it do in the garden?

Molasses, when added to the garden, acts as an organic, carbohydrate-rich food source for the beneficial microbes in the soil. That's right, FOOD for microbes! This sweetener can increase microbial activity, leading to healthier soil and more efficient nutrient absorption for plants. Molasses also contains essential trace elements like iron, which can help in chlorophyll production and overall plant vigor. It's commonly used in organic gardening practices as a component of compost tea or as a soil amendment to boost organic matter and improve soil structure. The result is a more fertile garden bed conducive to strong plant growth and resilience against stressors. Who knew!?!

From earth to ocean we've really come full circle at this point. Seaweed extract is a multifaceted supplement in organic gardening, revered for its nutrient density, including vital micronutrients and vitamins, and its concentration of natural growth hormones that encourage robust plant development and stress resilience. Its application improves soil structure, boosts water and nutrient retention, and enhances seed germination. Plants benefit from greater yields, vigor, and improved health. Moreover, seaweed extract is an eco-friendly option that supports beneficial microbes and can be used for foliar feeding, aligning with sustainable gardening practices by fostering vigorous growth in an environmentally friendly way.

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"As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that I may earn commissions on products bought via links on this site. There is no additional cost to you, but it helps fund our gardening endeavors and allows us to keep providing great gardening tips and information."



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